The Art of Being a Couple. A Systemic Approach, a book written in Greek by Virginia Ioannidou, published in March, 2012.


It is an art to keep a close relationship alive over time and, like any other art, it has its secrets. Many of these secrets are illustrated in this book. Here the reader is invited to consider the meaning of what is happening in his or her close relationship, to experiment with alternative perspectives and options, and consequently to find novel solutions to his or her possible difficulties.


This book deals in depth with issues such as autonomy, partnership, patterns of power in the relationship, sex differences, transitional phases in life, influences of the families of origin, sexuality and extramarital relationships.


In addition to that, there are chapters concerning separation, difficulties in cases of divorce and important questions, on the subject of creating a stepfamily.


This book illustrates contemporary theoretical models and the viewpoints of a variety of internationally known psychotherapists and is enriched with examples drawn from practice. Its chapters can be read independently from one another.


Although written for the general public, the book simultaneously constitutes a useful tool for every mental health professional interested in couples’ relationships.