This group is for couples, who are in a crucial situation or have to make an important decision (such as relating to marriage, to getting a child or occupational change) and is also intended for couples, who are looking for new ideas to “revive” their relationship (such as when the relationship is long-standing, when children get older and leave home etc.). Every couple has the chance to work on their own concern with the help of the facilitator and with the support of the group.


This group is based on a model of a couples’ group that has been successfully applied in Germany for more than two decades. It is based on the dialogue of the couple within the group, the sub-groups of men and women, on short theoretical input from the group leader on themes concerning close relationships (such as attachment and autonomy, patterns of power, relationships with one’s family of origin etc.) as well as experiential exercises. It is a valuable shared experience for partners who participate.

The group consists of 4 to 5 couples and meetings take place monthly. 


Virginia Ioannidou