Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist – Psychotherapist

He graduated from the Medicine School of the Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki and he is trained as a child and adolescent psychiatrist.


He is a systemic family therapist (member of the Systemic Association of Northern Greece) and has attended the dialogical practices summerschool in Belgium. He took training in Non Violent Resistance practices in family therapy (NVR) in UK.


His ideas on therapy are driven from the values of Open Dialogue Network and are inspired by the critical stance of the Network of Critical Psychiatry.


Dimitris Filokostas has been working since 2009 as a child and adolescent psychiatrist, and as a family therapist in private practice in Thessaloniki.


He is collaborating as a mental health professional with SOS Children’s Village in Plagiari, with the Mental Health Mobile Unit ‘Syn-eirmos’ in Trikala and with the Shelters of Unaccompanied Minor Refugees of Arsis in Thessaloniki.


He is the editor of the book ‘A New Authority’ by Haim Omer in Greek.


Contact phone: +30 6973 096946
e-mail: dfilok@yahoo.com